Legacy DCAΒΆ

This is a full legacy dca reference example with all known keys and example values.

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example'] = array
    // Config
    'config' => array
        'label'              => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_example']['headline'],
        'dataContainer'      => 'General',
        'ptable'             => 'tl_parent',
        'dynamicPtable'      => true, // require 'ptable'=>''
        'ctable'             => array('tl_child1', 'tl_child2'),
        'validFileTypes'     => 'jpg,png,gif',
        'uploadScript'       => '',
        'closed'             => true,
        'notEditable'        => true,
        'notDeletable'       => true,
        'switchToEdit'       => true,
        'enableVersioning'   => true,
        'doNotCopyRecords'   => true,
        'doNotDeleteRecords' => true,
        'onload_callback'    => array
            array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'onsubmit_callback'  => array
            array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'ondelete_callback'  => array
            array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'oncut_callback'     => array
            array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'oncopy_callback'    => array
            array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'sql'                => array
            'keys' => array
                'id'    => 'primary',
                'pid'   => 'index',
                'alias' => 'index'

    // DcGeneral config
    'dca_config' => array
        'callback'       => 'DcGeneral\Callbacks\ContaoStyleCallbacks',
        'controller'     => 'DcGeneral\Controller\DefaultController',
        'view'           => 'DcGeneral\View\DefaultView',
        'data_provider'  => array
                'default' => array
                        'class'  => 'DcGeneral\Data\DefaultDriver',
                        'source' => 'tl_example'
                'parent'  => array
                        'class'  => 'DcGeneral\Data\DefaultDriver',
                        'source' => 'tl_parent'
        'rootEntries' => array(
            'tl_example' => array(
                'setOn'  => array
                        'property' => 'id',
                        'value'    => 0
                'filter' => array
                        'property'  => 'id',
                        'value'     => 0,
                        'operation' => '='
        'childCondition' => array(
                'from'   => 'tl_parent',
                'to'     => 'tl_example',
                'setOn'  => array
                        'from_field' => 'id',
                        'to_field'   => 'pid'
                'filter' => array
                        'remote'    => 'id',
                        'local'     => 'pid',
                        'operation' => '='

    // List
    'list' => array
        'sorting' => array
            'mode'                  => 6,
            'flag'                  => 6,
            'panelLayout'           => 'filter;search,limit',
            'fields'                => array('published DESC', 'title', 'author'),
            'headerFields'          => array('title', 'headline', 'author', 'inColumn', 'tstamp', 'showTeaser', 'published', 'start', 'stop'),
            'icon'                  => 'path/to/icon.png',
            'root'                  => 6,
            'filter'                => array(array('status=?', 'active')),
            'disableGrouping'       => true,
            'paste_button_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>'),
            'child_record_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>'),
            'child_record_class'    => 'css_class_name'
        'label' => array
            'fields'         => array('title', 'inColumn'),
            'format'         => '%s <span style="color:#b3b3b3;padding-left:3px">[%s]</span>',
            'maxCharacters'  => 255,
            'group_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>'),
            'label_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'global_operations' => array
            'all' => array
                'label'           => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['all'],
                'href'            => 'act=select',
                'class'           => 'header_edit_all',
                'attributes'      => 'onclick="Backend.getScrollOffset()" accesskey="e"',
                'button_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>')
        'operations' => array
            'delete' => array
                'label'           => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_example']['delete'],
                'href'            => 'act=delete',
                'icon'            => 'delete.gif',
                'attributes'      => 'onclick="if(!confirm(\'' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['deleteConfirm'] . '\'))return false;Backend.getScrollOffset()"',
                'button_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>')

    // Palettes
    'palettes' => array
        '__selector__' => array('protected'),
        'default'      => '{title_legend},title,alias,author;...'

    // Subpalettes
    'subpalettes' => array
        'protected' => 'groups'

    // Fields
    'fields' => array
        'title' => array
            'label'                => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_example']['title'],
            'default'              => 'default value',
            'exclude'              => true,
            'search'               => true,
            'sorting'              => true,
            'filter'               => true,
            'flag'                 => 12,
            'length'               => 3,
            'inputType'            => 'text',
            'options'              => array('a', 'b', 'c'),
            'options_callback'     => array('<class name>', '<method name>'),
            'foreignKey'           => 'tl_other_table.name',
            'reference'            => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_example']['title'],
            'explanation'          => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_example']['title'],
            'input_field_callback' => array('<class name>', '<method name>'),
            'wizard'               => array('<class name>', '<method name>'),
            'sql'                  => "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
            'relation'             => array('type'=>'hasOne', 'load'=>'eager'),
            'load_callback'        => array
                array('<class name>', '<method name>')
            'save_callback'        => array
                array('<class name>', '<method name>')
            'eval'                 => array(
                'helpwizard'         => true,
                'mandatory'          => true,
                'maxlength'          => 255,
                'minlength'          => 255,
                'fallback'           => true,
                'rgxp'               => 'friendly',
                'cols'               => 12,
                'rows'               => 6,
                'wrap'               => 'hard',
                'multiple'           => true,
                'size'               => 6,
                'style'              => 'border:2px',
                'rte'                => 'tinyFlash',
                'submitOnChange'     => true,
                'nospace'            => true,
                'allowHtml'          => true,
                'preserveTags'       => true,
                'decodeEntities'     => true,
                'doNotSaveEmpty'     => true,
                'alwaysSave'         => true,
                'spaceToUnderscore'  => true,
                'unique'             => true,
                'encrypt'            => true,
                'trailingSlash'      => true,
                'files'              => true,
                'filesOnly'          => true,
                'extensions'         => 'jpg,png,gif',
                'path'               => 'path/inside/of/contao',
                'fieldType'          => 'checkbox',
                'includeBlankOption' => true,
                'blankOptionLabel'   => '- none selected -',
                'chosen'             => true,
                'findInSet'          => true,
                'datepicker'         => true,
                'colorpicker'        => true,
                'feEditable'         => true,
                'feGroup'            => 'contact',
                'feViewable'         => true,
                'doNotCopy'          => true,
                'hideInput'          => true,
                'doNotShow'          => true,
                'isBoolean'          => true,
                'disabled'           => true,
                'readonly'           => true,